Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Fathers are one of the most influential persons in our lives, they leave no stone unturned to help us out of every crisis and express their unconditional love towards us. They have always been our guide each and every day of our lives. Now, it is our turn to convey our love and respect toward him. They have been our inspiration, motivation, and have quietly and deeply influenced at the nook of every path of ours. Father’s Day forms the most appropriate occasion to convey all our appreciation and admiration towards our dads. There are often situations and times, when we forget to hug our dads, kiss and tell them that we love them like they do to our moms. Most of us would agree that we assume our father to be the provider for the family. From the time, when we worship our beloved pops for all that he knew and all that he could, we move on to become a rebellious teenager, when we make it a point to argue about everything and anything that he advises to us.

This Father's Day, show your Dad how much you love and respect him and how much you care for him.

I've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DAD! I love you so much.. .

Quitters Have No Place

To quit means to leave, go away or discontinue activity. Men usually quit when they are in the midst of a race. Suddenly, you start thinking and ask yourself if it is enough reason for you to stop and put an end to all what you have begun.
Courageous, fearless and most importantly, strong, is what a heart should be. Challenge is always wonderful and it consist of several advantages. Its obstacles and difficulty is a blessing, challenging us to strive harder and over come our weaknesses. It gives us the chance to struggle and achieve our goals. Never walk away from what we have begun, instead, strive to learn.
To be a failure once is not a reason to give up but instead look upon it like a challenge. You must stand and try again. You must show that you can do better than what is expected from you. Failing is the opportunity to start again. Believe that you have the heart to do it, for the essence of being a success is to keep moving. Never stop fighting.
Quitter have no place. Only those with enough endurance survive. I have figured that race is not always for those who are swift but also to those who keep on running and do not mind the pain. Falling and making mistakes are the stepping stone to success, it curves you to be a fighter, to have control on difficulties and most of all, to be a survivor just like what they always say – that there is no gain without pain.
Attack every problem with enthusiasm and try to see an opportunity in every problem you encounter. The harder you work, the harder for you to surrender. In the end, the people who fail are those who do not try hard enough. A successful man makes mistakes but do not quit: will learn form his mistakes and try again. Expect success and you will be successful. Quit and fail!

" Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling." - Claude Pepper

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I woke up one morning and the first thing that I felt was…DISCOURAGEMENT! Yes, discouragement. That dragging, cynical, nothing-is-ever-to-work state of mind, where you start wondering why you are even trying.
I’m sure you’ve also woken up discouraged. And then, what did you do? Probably you soldiered on: smiling when people asked how you were, trudging ahead with the expected, all the while feeling that you must be the only one who has voices in your head saying you’re doomed, its just a matter of time, the sky is falling NOW.
I want to share you this inspiring article about dealing with discouragement, which begins by reminding you of this: You’re not the only one who gets discouraged. Especially when you are trying to make some changes in your life, discouragement seems to be a part of the process.
You’ll have good days, you’ll have bad.. You’ll have confidence, you’ll have doubts.. Part of becoming who we are involves encountering new adventures. While we hope they’re always peak experiences, our growth and discovery come from the downsides too.
Life is full of failures, rejection, and more than just a fair share of discouragement. And while some people can immediately brush themselves off, others can enter a negative cycle of thoughts that persists for weeks, months or even years.
So, drawing from my own day of discouragement, I thought I’d share with you some helpful tips on how to overcome discouragement.
Step One: Basic Truth – Discouragement is a state of mind!
Listen to your mind. Has your life really changed that differently from two days ago when you were feeling positive, anticipating that things would work out, and having a good day? Probably not. You may just be tired, needing support, or had small setback, and that is triggering your negative mind talk.
Step Two: Allow yourself to be discouraged.
Our natural tendency when we’re feeling bad is to deny the feeling, or to make it go away immediately. But it’s important to acknowledge your feelings. You’re human! You have ups and downs, good days and bad days, and you really shouldn’t try to be a robot. If you have to cry, then do it. If you want to slam some pans around, or yell in the shower, do it. Recognize your feeling, so you can truly move past it, not make it go away and have it pop up inconveniently later in the day.
Step Three: Lower your expectations temporarily.
Are you setting unreasonable demands on yourself by setting the bar too high? Do you expect much from your lover or friend? Or feel that the world is exerting pressure on you? You might be a perfectionist. While I admit that I’m sort of a perfectionist person (belief that no matter what you attempt, it is never “good enough” to meet your own or others expectation), I’ve come to realize that it’s not a healthy pursuit of excellence. So to overcome it, I selected realistic people who are not perfectionist in their own life and become realistic with what I can do. Likewise, I concentrated on being more objective about criticisms and about myself. And if someone criticizes me for making a mistake, I acknowledge the mistake and assert my right to make mistakes.
Step Four: Change-up your routine.
This one may sound silly to you but it works. Deliberately do things throughout the day that are different from your usual actions. Discouragement is usually accompanied by the thought “This is never going to an end, this is never going to change.” So change your day to show your mind that it’s wrong, even if it’s a small start.
Step Five: Get Active.
The feeling of discouragement usually slows you down physically. You may feel like doing nothing. Sometimes, what you need is rest, and that will pull you out of your slump. But if you rested and you still feel bad, then take some action. Take a walk, go to the gym, and get your energy going.
Step Six: Get some help and support.
Consider some new ways to be supported. It’s time to stop doing it alone. There’s usually more than one solution to a problem. When you fell discouraged, it’s often because you keep trying the same solution, instead of changing things up.
Step Seven: Apply your spiritual practice.
Do you believe in prayer? Ask for help. Have you been learning to meditate? Sit down, relax and do it! Use that practice.
Step Eight: Remember, tomorrow is another day!
Sometimes, the best thing to do is to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Take one step today, have a good dinner, some time with friends, a good night sleep, and often you will then have new energy to bring your challenge the next day.

" Men's best successes come after their disappointments." - Henry Ward Beecher.