To quit means to leave, go away or discontinue activity. Men usually quit when they are in the midst of a race. Suddenly, you start thinking and ask yourself if it is enough reason for you to stop and put an end to all what you have begun.
Courageous, fearless and most importantly, strong, is what a heart should be. Challenge is always wonderful and it consist of several advantages. Its obstacles and difficulty is a blessing, challenging us to strive harder and over come our weaknesses. It gives us the chance to struggle and achieve our goals. Never walk away from what we have begun, instead, strive to learn.
To be a failure once is not a reason to give up but instead look upon it like a challenge. You must stand and try again. You must show that you can do better than what is expected from you. Failing is the opportunity to start again. Believe that you have the heart to do it, for the essence of being a success is to keep moving. Never stop fighting.
Quitter have no place. Only those with enough endurance survive. I have figured that race is not always for those who are swift but also to those who keep on running and do not mind the pain. Falling and making mistakes are the stepping stone to success, it curves you to be a fighter, to have control on difficulties and most of all, to be a survivor just like what they always say – that there is no gain without pain.
Attack every problem with enthusiasm and try to see an opportunity in every problem you encounter. The harder you work, the harder for you to surrender. In the end, the people who fail are those who do not try hard enough. A successful man makes mistakes but do not quit: will learn form his mistakes and try again. Expect success and you will be successful. Quit and fail!
" Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling." - Claude Pepper
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